
How well introduce the new food?

All cat and dog owners know that feeding their pet is at the heart of the daily care offered to them. For several years we have seen the emergence on the market of a multitude of brands and recipes that meet the increasingly demanding demands of customers.

In recent weeks, Chico Pet Shops have added products from the Performatrin Ultra range to their large inventory of cat and dog food products. Whatever the reasons that lead a pet owner to change his food. For this transition to go smoothly, there are some important recommendations to follow to ensure that the introduction of a new food recipe is positive for the animal.

There are several reasons why a pet owner may decide to change his pet’s diet, food allergies, health problems and the composition of bottom-up recipes.

The change in your cat or dog’s diet should last at least 8 to 10 days. Mix the new food with the usual food, gradually increasing the share of the new food.



  1. The first two days: The bowl (bowl of food) should contain 1/4 of the new food and 3/4 of the usual food.
  2. Days 3 to 5: The bowl should contain 1/2 of the new food and 1/2 of the usual food.
  3. Days 6 to 8: The bowl should contain 3/4 of the new food and 1/4 of the usual food.
  4. From the9th day: The bowl will contain 100% of the new food

In addition, pay attention in the first days to the behavior and appetite of the pet.