
How to keep your dog active during the winter

Winter is a time of year when we tend to stay indoors. That means fewer walks and less playtime in the park with your dog. Is your dog not getting enough exercise because of the cold weather? If you’re out of ideas to get your faithful companion moving, read this blog by the pet care experts at Chico!

What are the benefits of exercise for dogs?

It’s essential for the heath of every dog that he or she remains active:

  • When exercising, your dog is using up his or her energy. That means your dog won’t play in the house and break something by accident!
  • Regular exercise prevents many health problems in dogs, such as obesity.
  • Physical activity contributes to reducing stress levels in dogs.

What exercises can I do with my dog in winter?

Here are just a few examples of outdoor activities you can do in relatively cold temperatures:

  • Go for a speed walk in your neighbourhood or on a park trail. Remember to put a coat or some boots on your dog if necessary.
  • Play fetch with a Frisbee, stick, or ball. If your dog does well, remember to give him or her a treat!
  • Play soccer with an old ball (or a ball specially made for dogs).

A word of advice: avoid giving your dog toys if you’re planning on going to a space where other dogs might be around. Having toys is a good way to start trouble with other, competitive dogs.

What if it’s too cold to even go out? Here are a few more activities you can do indoors:

  • Play hide-and-seek
  • Play tug-of-war with a bit of rope
  • Run on the treadmill
  • Invite a friend’s dog over for your own to play with (it’s guaranteed that they’ll find a way to amuse themselves)

You can also sign your dog up for organized indoor classes in obedience, swimming, freestyle dance, or even flyball.
Would you like to go on a winter getaway with your best friend? The website has a list of places in Quebec that welcome dogs. You can find hiking trails, parks, cafes, and other dog-friendly places where you can have memorable moments with your best friend!

To keep your dog active during the winter, visit us at Chico!
Ready to get moving with your four-legged friend? Visit us at the nearest Chico pet store. There you’ll find a wide range of toys and accessories for dogs as well as superior quality dog food.