
The diet of elderly animals

In recent decades, research into the adaptation of the diet of elderly animals has increased the life expectancy of our companions. In general, after about ten years, we can consider our pet to be old.

Senior animals require different dietary needs than junior animals. Kidney failure, tumors, bone degeneration, cardiovascular disease and diabetes are some examples of the health problems our animals are exposed to as we age.

Several suppliers offer recipes adapted to aging animals, kibble with a less hard consistency to avoid injuries related to chewing and digestion. When old, animals should avoid acidic foods that affect the renal system.

The caloric needs of animals also decrease as they age, adapted recipes are generally revised to adapt to this decrease in the basal metabolism of the animal. Protein sources are increased to promote a strong immune system and support the maintenance of muscle mass. Vitamin supplements are also added to meet the multiple deficiencies that senior animals can experience.

Among the adapted recipes, chico Animal Shops recommend the following senior recipes: